Supportive Services
Field-Based Data Collection: With a large cadre of trained student technicians, FIT can provide additional resources for field-based data collection. FIT has already demonstrated this capability by providing data collection personnel for funded projects including “I Can” (NIH) and “Everyone Plays! A Feasibility Study of Innovative Sport Programming for Adolescent Girls.” This provides clear benefits for randomized control trials.
Nutrition: With a Registered Dietician on staff and dietary analysis software, FIT can assist with research design and data collection for studies involving a nutrition component.
Education and Training: FIT can provide consultation and training as required for each of these functional and metabolic outcomes. This is especially crucial in collaborative research endeavors focused on investigating the link between lifestyle/behavior, chronic disease and overall health. If desired, researchers and their staff also have the option to participate in hands-on training in any of these functional and/or metabolic assessments. The overall goal of Research FIT is to contribute to and enrich health-related research in whatever capacity is required.
Health & Integrative Laboratory: HIP is a biochemistry laboratory that has the requisite equipment to support research investigating biomarkers involved in health and disease. This includes: 1) space for conducting interviews and completing surveys, 2) a designated sample collection room for phlebotomy, 3) CLIA-waived, point-of-care testing for HbA1C, glucose, and lipids, 4) sample processing and storage equipment, and 5) instruments for batch analyses that are capable of quantifying single analytes or multiplexing to quantify numerous biomarkers simultaneously as a panel.