Lab Members

Image of Veronica Yan

Veronica Yan

P. I., SLAM Lab
Associate Professor
Department of Educational Psychology
Department of Psychology (courtesy appointment)

CV of failures
CV of successes

Interests: Effective, motivated self-regulated learning — the cognitive underpinnings of effective learning strategies and the socio-psychological motivation beliefs that enhance academic achievement

Graduate Students

Stephany Duany Rea

4th year Ph.D. student

Interests: effective learning and teaching strategies, motivation, and metacognition

Alexis Richmond

1st year Ph.D. student

Interests: self-regulated learning, student and teacher motivation, and promoting learning strategies in the midst of competing priorities

Stephanie Noel Johnstone

1st year Ph.D. student

Interests: transfer of knowledge, memory, problem-solving,  expertise, and general cognition and learning.

Undergraduate Research Assistants

Ni Casaca-Watkins

Aidan Cournoyer

Kate Seno

Cayman Hardin

Affiliated Grad Students

Lab Alum

Graduate Students

Undergraduate RAs

  • Connie Fralick (undergraduate honors thesis)
  • Ben Snider
  • Rishi Gonuguntla
  • Jackie Le
  • Qiwei Li
  • Kimberly Nguyen
  • Matthan Moy

Lab Affiliates

SLAMB Joint Lab Outings

If you are a current member of the lab, please also see SLAMB Group Resources