Go Further with Food & Fuel Your Workouts
Proper nutrition is key to getting results from your workout. There are specific foods you can eat before your workout to improve performance and after your workout to help with recovery!
Pre- Workout:
Before a workout your focus should be on carbohydrates to provide a source of quick energy for your body. Along with carbs, a small amount of protein and water can help prepare your muscles for a workout.
To determine what to eat before your workout to have optimum energy:
1. Evaluate how intense and what the duration of your workout will be
The more intense, the more fuel and hydration needed before
The longer you workout the more likely it is that you will want to eat before
2. Consider when you will be working out
When working out first thing in the morning, go for a snack rather than a large meal, 20-30 minutes before
If in the evening or afternoon plan to have your closest large meal 3-4 hours before your workout and then a small snack within 1 hour of exercising
Banana and peanut butter
Crackers and reduced fat cheese or hummus
Toast with jam or peanut butter
Oatmeal with fruit
Apple and almond butter
Avoid these before a workout:
Large meals
Fast food
High fiber and high fat foods- save those for after!
Post- Workout:

Rehydrate and Refuel with protein and water! It is best to combine a good source protein to help build muscles and water to keep you hydrated after your workout!
If you don’t eat within one hour of your workout,
you have missed the window and your nutrients will not help with the additional health benefits of exercise.
Fiction. Some of you might have heard that you absolutely NEED to eat one hour after you exercise. This is recommended, but not necessary, as the window of opportunity does not completely close. It’s been shown that you have increased protein usage in the body, meaning you are more optimally utilizing proteins to rebuild your muscles, for up to 5 days after this workout if it was intense enough.
Power up with these protein filled post workout ideas:
Omelette with spinach, bell peppers, and onions
Greek yogurt parfait with fruit and nuts
Whole wheat wrap with turkey, hummus, and spinach
Chicken or salmon and vegetables
Always remember that experimenting with what to eat pre and post workout is
a process of learning what your body responds to best!