Functional Outcome Measurements
Balance: Loss of balance due to a loss of lower body strength and flexibility and other factors is a leading cause of fall-related injuries each year. FIT, with its Biodex Balance System SD, can measure postural balance and sway. This can also be used as part of a concussion protocal.
Body Composition: Accurate measurements of body fat and lean mass are critical in a variety of research fields. DXA, with 1,000 works published in 2011 alone, is the research technique of choice because of its precision in total body and regional composition measurements with minimal radiation exposure. More recently, algorithms have become available to estimate visceral fat from DXA. FIT has one GE iDXA and one GE Lunar DXA with enCore version 15.0 software for assessment of body composition for pediatrics, adolescents, adults and small animals.
Bone Density: Accurate measurement of bone density is an important tool in research examining human growth and aging. FIT has one GE iDXA and one GE Lunar Prodigy DXA with enCore version 15.0 software with specialized Advanced Hip Assessment, Dual Femur Assessment, Orthopedic Assessment, Pediatric Assessment and Vertebral Assessment. Additionally, individualized assessment of specific bone areas is possible.
Cardiorespiratory Fitness: Low levels of cardiorespiratory fitness are associated with an increased risk of premature death from all causes, and particularly from cardiovascular disease. Alternatively, high levels are associated with many health benefits. Maximal oxygen uptake (VO2Max), the accepted criterion measurement, is commonly assessed using a metabolic measurement cart with the subject on an exercise ergometer. FIT has two metabolic carts, a Parvo Medics TruOne 2400 and a Physio Dyne Max-1, four treadmills, two Lode Excalibur bycicle ergometers and six Concept 2 rowing ergometers that allow for the measurement of exercise oxygen consumption and energy expenditure. FIT also has multiple heart rate monitors and three Shiller AT-102 ECG machines for monitoring and assessing heart rate and heart rhythms at rest and during exercise. Additionally, FIT has a pulse oximeter so that oxygen saturation can also be assessed. When direct measurement of VO2Max is not feasible, various field tests such as a one mile walk can be used to estimate cardiorespiratory fitness.
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): A low RMR and low fat oxidation are potential risk factors for weight gain and obesity. Both of these are determined through the measurement of resting oxygen uptake and respiratory exchange ratio through the use of a metabolic cart. With its ParvoMedics TruOne 2400 metabolic measurement systems, FIT can accurately measure RMR and fat oxidization.
Strength & Flexibility: Muscular fitness may improve or maintain bone mass, glucose tolerance, fat-free mass and resting metabolic rate. Criterion testing is primarily conducted with an isokinetic dynamometer while field tests can be performed using a hand grip dynamometer and free weights. FIT has one Biodex Dynamometer, a multi-mode computerized dynamometer for assessing functional muscular strength, endurance and power. FIT also has bench presses, leg presses, hand ergometers, goniometers, flexometers and functional movement screen equipment for the assessment of various musculoskeletal parameters.