3 Things You Should Know About Antioxidants
You’ve probably heard about antioxidants in the media, but do you know exactly what they are?
Prepare yourself for a crash course covering all you need to know!
1. The Most Basic: Antioxidants are compounds that protect the body from damage caused by free radicals.
Free radicals, the same compounds generated through tobacco smoke, pollution, and exposure to UV light, are created as by-products of normal bodily processes, like breaking down your food. Unfortunately, they are damaging to your cells, and in large amounts may increase your risk of a variety of diseases. Antioxidants like vitamins A, C, and E as well as other compounds, have the power to stabilize these harmful molecules and protect your body from damage. In doing so, they can help keep your skin, eyes, and immune system healthy.
2. They can also help prevent a variety of medical conditions like cancer, Macular degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease, and some arthritis-related conditions.
Here are some benefits of the antioxidants present in different colored fruits and vegetables!
- Red– can reduce your risk of developing cancer
- Orange and yellow– can help maintain eye health and are good for boosting the immune system
- Green– contain vitamin C and E and can have anticancer effects
- Purple/blue– have anticancer effects and can help to prevent strokes and heart disease
- White and brown– known for their antiviral and antibacterial properties due to their positive effect on the immune system. Because of this, some can act as a natural health remedy for various ailments
3. Most Importantly: How can you be sure you’re getting enough antioxidants? The key is to try to include a variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet.

An easy way to know you are getting a good assortment of antioxidants is to eat different colored vegetables. It’s as simple as that! The different pigments indicate the presence of beneficial compounds which are often unique to that color. In addition to fruits and vegetables, antioxidants are also found in whole-grain products, nuts, seeds, herbs and spices, and even dark chocolate.
Even if you have a busy schedule, incorporating antioxidants in your diet is easier than you think! Just try to create a colorful plate and spend a little extra time in the produce section and select a couple different colored fruits and veggies. It’s also fun to try something new! Avoid eating the same fruits and veggies every week and mix it up. Stay tuned for my recipe post next week which includes blueberries that are full of antioxidants!