Lab Director
Dr. Mary Steinhardt, Ed.D.

Dr. Mary Steinhardt is a Professor of Health Behavior & Health Education in the College of Education at The University of Texas at Austin. She is also Associate Vice President for Research, serving as the University’s Research Integrity Officer. Mary currently teaches Theories of Health Behavior and is the recipient of the first annual Dean’s Distinguished Teaching Award in the College of Education, the Texas Excellence Teaching Award presented by the Texas Exes, and the Regents Outstanding Teaching Award from the University of Texas System. Mary is also a member of the Academy of Distinguished Teachers and a Senior Provost Teaching Fellow. In 2017, she received The Civitatis Award, the highest distinction made by the University of Texas at Austin in recognition of outstanding faculty citizenship.
Dr. Steinhardt’s academic interests focus on programs that enhance individual and organizational resilience. Her research team broadly examines determinants and methods for building resilience and strength when challenged with change and stressful situations. Mary has worked with 3M, Motorola, Dell, and Applied Materials, as well as the Army’s 4th Infantry Division at Fort Hood and Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio. Her current project, TX STRIDE (Strength Through Resilience in Diabetes Education), examines behavioral and biological pathways by which resilience resources impact type 2 diabetes health outcomes in African Americans. The grant is funded by the NIH’s National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.
Her favorite place? Estes Park; favorite movie? Erin Brockovich; favorite pleasure books? The Secret Life of Bees and The Help; and favorite thing to do? Girls’ night out with the joy of her life – her precious daughters, Megan (psychotherapist in D.C.) and Linda (registered dietitian in Denver)..