Measures Developed
Measures Developed in our Research Group
CARD – The Classroom Appraisal of Resources and Demands Inventory
The Classroom Appraisal of Resources and Demands (preschool and school-age version; Lambert, Abbott-Shim, & McCarthy, 2001; Lambert, McCarthy, & Abbott-Shim, 2001) measures the situationally specific nature of teacher stress by examining teachers’ perceptions of classroom demands and available resources. In addition, the CARD preschool and school-age versions (German language version, Lambert, McCarthy, Abbott-Shim, & Ullrich, 2008) were translated into German. Other versions of the measure include the CARD Middle and High School Version: Lambert, McCarthy, Abbott-Shim, and Fisher (2008) adapted the CARD school-age version to middle and high school settings. CARD School Counselor Version: McCarthy and Lambert (2008) adapted the CARD school-age version for use by school counselors.
PRI – Preventive Resources Inventory
The Preventive Resources Inventory (PRI) was specifically created to assess preventive coping resources (McCarthy & Lambet, 2001; Lambert et al., 2006). It is a self-report measure designed to explore level of agreement with statements related to personal habits and perceived ability to prevent stressful reactions to life circumstances. In addition, the PRI (German language version, McCarthy, Lambert, and Ullrich, 2008) was translated into German.