The Training in Comprehensive, Culturally Affirming Services in School Psychology (TRACCS) is a Mental Health Service Professional demonstration grant funded by the Department of Education’s Offices of Elementary and Secondary Education and Safe and Supportive Schools. The goal of TRACCS is to train master’s level School Psychology students to provide high-quality, evidence-based mental health services for culturally and linguistically diverse students and families. Additionally, TRACCS aims to increase the School Psychology workforce pipeline, and in particular increase the number of Spanish-speaking school psychologists in Texas and beyond.

TRACCS trainees are provided multi-year financial support, including covered tuition costs, tuition stipend, health insurance, supplies and professional development. We are looking for applicants committed to working in high-need schools. Bilingual (English/Spanish) applicants will be given priority.

In addition to the high-quality, evidence-based training they receive as part of the UT Austin School Psychology master’s program, TRACCS trainees also attend a bi-weekly seminar focused on issues relevant to working in high-needs schools with culturally and linguistically diverse youth, a summer course on school psychology with emerging bilingual or English learners, professional development workshops in evidence-based mental health services, and receive supportive mentoring from members of the Texas Association of School Psychologists. TRACCS trainees complete their clinical field training (practicum and internship) at Dell Valle ISD.