
Of feral faculty and magisterial Mowglis: The domestication of junior faculty. In C. S. Turner

Reddick, R. J. (2015). Of feral faculty and magisterial Mowglis: The domestication of junior faculty. In C. S. Turner (Ed.). Mentoring as transformative practice: Supporting student and faculty diversity, New Directions for Higher Education, 171, 43-51. DOI: 10.1002/he

Coloring up study abroad: Exploring Black students’ decision to study in China

Lu, C., Reddick, R. J., Dean, D., & Pecero, V. (2015). Coloring up study abroad: Exploring Black students’ decision to study in China. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 52(4), 440-451. DOI: 10.1080/19496591.2015.1050032

“I don’t want to work in a world of Whiteness:” White faculty and their developmental relationships with Black students.

Reddick, R. J. & Pritchett, K. O. (2015). “I don’t want to work in a world of Whiteness:” White faculty and their developmental relationships with Black students. Journal of the Professoriate, 8(1), 54-84.

Sankofa: A narrative of a native son’s scholarly homecoming

Reddick, R. J. (2014). Sankofa: A narrative of a native son’s scholarly homecoming. Journal of African American Males in Education, 5(2), 150-166.

A hole in the soul of Austin: Black faculty community engagement experiences in a creative class city

Reddick, R. J., Bukoski, B. E., Smith, S. L., & Wasielewski, M. V. (2014). A hole in the soul of Austin: Black faculty community engagement experiences in a creative class city. Journal of Negro Education, 83(1), 61-76.

Coming home: Hermanos académicos reflect on paths and present realities at their home institution.

Reddick, R. J. & Sáenz, V. B. (2012). Coming home: Hermanos académicos reflect on paths and present realities at their home institution. Harvard Educational Review, 82(3), 353-380. 

The current and dire state of African American male crime and education in the Central Southwest: Are mentoring constellations a promising strategy?

Reddick, R. J., & Vasquez Heilig, J. (2012, Summer). The current and dire state of African American male crime and education in the Central Southwest: Are mentoring constellations a promising strategy? Journal of African American Males in Education, 3(1), 29-46.

Male faculty mentors in Black and White.

Reddick, R. J. (2012). Male faculty mentors in Black and White. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 1(1), 1-33.

What you get when you give: How graduate students benefit from serving as mentors.

Reddick, R. J., Griffin, K. A., Cherwitz, R. A., Cérda-Pražák, A. A., & Bunch, N. (2012). What you get when you give: How graduate students benefit from serving as mentors. Journal of Faculty Development, 26(1), 37-49

Academic fathers pursuing tenure: A qualitative study of work-family conflict, coping strategies, and departmental culture.

Reddick, R. J., Rochlen, A. B., Grasso, J. R., Reilly, E. R., & Spikes, D. R. (2012). Academic fathers pursuing tenure: A qualitative study of work-family conflict, coping strategies, and departmental culture. Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 13(1), 1-15. doi: 10.1037/a0023206 

Intersecting identities: Mentoring contributions and challenges for Black faculty mentoring Black undergraduates

Reddick, R. J. (2011). Intersecting identities: Mentoring contributions and challenges for Black faculty mentoring Black undergraduates. Mentoring & Tutoring, 19(3), 319-346.

Answering President Obama’s call for mentoring: It’s not just for mentees anymore.

Reddick, R. J., Griffin, K. A., & Cherwitz, R. A. (2011). Answering President Obama's call for mentoring: It's not just for mentees anymore. Planning for Higher Education, 39(4), 59-65.

Stories of success: High minority, high poverty public school graduate narratives on accessing higher education.

Reddick, R. J., Welton, A. D., Alsandor, D. J., Denyszyn, J. L., & Platt, C. S. (2011). Stories of success: High minority, high poverty public school graduate narratives on accessing higher education. Journal of Advanced Academics, 22(4), 594-618. doi: 10.1177/1932202X11414133

Surveillance and sacrifice: Gender differences in the mentoring patterns of Black professors at predominantly White research universities.

Griffin, K. A., & Reddick, R. J. (2011). Surveillance and sacrifice: Gender differences in the mentoring patterns of Black professors at predominantly White research universities. American Educational Research Journal, 48(5), 1032-1057. doi: 10.3102/0002831211405025. 

Actuating equity?: Historical and contemporary analyses of African American access to selective higher education from Sweatt to the Top 10% law

Heilig, J. V., Reddick, R. J., Hamilton, C., Dietz, L., & Rodriguez, C. (2011). Actuating equity?: Historical and contemporary analyses of African American access to selective higher education from Sweatt to the Top 10% law. Harvard Journal of African American Public Policy. 

A new look at Black families

Willie, C. V. & Reddick, R. J. (2010). A new look at Black families (6th ed.). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Encyclopedia of African American education

Reddick, R. J. (2009). Morehouse College. In K. Lomotey (Ed.), Encyclopedia of African American education (pp. 455-459). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. [Invited submission]

Fostering cross-racial mentoring: White faculty and African American students at Harvard College

Reddick, R. J. (2009). Fostering cross-racial mentoring: White faculty and African American students at Harvard College. In S. Sánchez-Casal and A. Macdonald (Eds.), Identity in education (pp. 65-102). New York: Palgrave Macmillan. [Invited submission]

How higher education can support and enhance diversity efforts for students.

Reddick, R. J. (2008). How higher education can support and enhance diversity efforts for students. In R.H. Milner (Ed.), Possibilities of diversity: A guide for practitioners (pp. 173-190). Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas Publishers. [Invited submission]

Perspectives: Black males in the educational pipeline.

Heilig, J. V. & Reddick, R. J. (2008 August 13). Perspectives: Black males in the educational pipeline. Diverse Issues in Higher Education. [Invited submission]

The Black college mystique.

Willie, C. V., Reddick, R. J., & Brown, R. (2006). The Black college mystique. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

The gift that keeps giving: Historically Black college and university-educated scholars and their mentoring at predominantly White institutions.

Reddick, R. J. (2006). The gift that keeps giving: Historically Black college and university-educated scholars and their mentoring at predominantly White institutions. Educational Foundations, Winter-Spring 2006, 59-82. [Peer reviewed]

Legacies of Brown: Multiracial equity in American education

Carter, D. J., Flores, S. M., & Reddick, R. J. (Eds.). (2005). Legacies of Brown: Multiracial equity in American education. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.

Advancing democracy: African Americans and the struggle for access and equity in higher education in Texas by Amilcar Shabazz

Reddick, R. J. (2005). Advancing democracy: African Americans and the struggle for access and equity in higher education in Texas by Amilcar Shabazz (Editor’s review). Harvard Educational Review, 75(2), 222-231. [Peer reviewed]

Diversity on campus: Exemplary programs for retaining and supporting students of color

Whitla, D. K., Tuitt, F. A., Howard, C., Reddick, R. J., & Flanagan, E. (2005). Diversity on campus: Exemplary programs for retaining and supporting students of color. In G. Orfield, P. Marin, & C. Horn (Eds.), Higher education and the color line: College access, racial equity, and social change (pp. 131-152). Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.

A new look at Black families

Willie, C. V. & Reddick, R. J. (2003). A new look at Black families (5th ed.). Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press.