

  • KIN 424K Applied Human Anatomy
  • KIN 336 Neuromuscular Control
  • KIN 315 Motor Learning


  • KIN 395 Motor Control: Neuromuscular Basis
  • KIN 395 Neuromuscular Aspects of Fatigue and Training
  • KIN 386 Research Methods: Proposal Writing

Relevant Educational Videos

Motor System

  1. Neuroanatomy – The Corticospinal Tract in 3D
  2. Spinal Pathways – Corticospinal Tract
  3. Corticospinal Tract
  4. Twitch, Summation & Tetanus

Central Nervous System

  1. Divisions of the Nervous System
  2. 063 The Divisions of the Nervous System
  3. Comparison of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems
  4. How the Body Works: The Regions of the Brain
  5. Anatomy of the Brain: Diencephalon, Thalamus, and Hypothalamus
  6. Brain Anatomy: Functional Cortical Anatomy

Motor Units

  1. Motor Unit Recruitment

Glial Cells

  1. Glial Cells
  2. Neurons and Astrocytes: The Plot Thickens
  3. Glial Cells in 2 Minutes
  4. More Glial Cells


  1. Synapse Structure and Function
  2. The Gait Guys Talk About Neural Adaptation
  3. Synapse and Information Transfer
  4. Neurons
  5. Neurotransmission – 3D Medical Animation
  6. Synaptic transmission

Action Potentials

  1. How the Cell’s Equilibrium Potential is Established
  2. The Action Potential
  3. The Schwann Cell and Action Potential
  4. Action Potential in Neurons Animation
  5. Action Potential Crash Course
  6. Action Potential
  7. The Sodium-Potassium Pump

Basal Nuclei

  1. Neuroanatomy – Basal Ganglia
  2. Neuroglial Cells 3D
  3. Anatomy and Diseases of the Basal Ganglia
  4. Anatomy of the Brain: Diencephalon, Thalamus, and Hypothalamus
  5. Coronal Section of the Brain and Basal Ganglia
  6. 2-Minute Neuroscience: Direct Pathway of the Basal Ganglia
  7. 2-Minute Neuroscience: Indirect Pathway of the Basal Ganglia

Vestibular System

  1. Vestibular System
  2. 2-minute Neuroscience: Vestibular System


  1. Cerebellum in 2 Minutes
  2. What is the Cerebellum?
  3. The Function of the Cerebellum

Peripheral Nerves

  1. Free Nerve Endings, Merkel’s Discs, Meissner’s & Pacinian
  2. Biology Learning: Peripheral Nervous System

Muscle Contraction

  1. Muscular System, Neuromuscular Junction
  2. The Muscular System
  3. Steps of Muscle Contraction
  4. Cross Bridge Cycling and Contraction
  5. Excitation – Contraction Coupling
  6. How a Muscle Contraction is Signaled
  7. Muscle Stimulation by Motor Neuron and Muscle Contraction
  8. Sarcomere Length-Tension Relationship
  9. Sliding Filament Theory

Vertebral Column

  1. Spinal Cord Anatomy

PCML Pathway

  1. Neuroanatomy – The Dorsal Column – Medial Lemniscus Tract
  2. Major Sensory and Descending Pathways
  3. Sensory Tracts – Dorsal Column (Medial lemniscus) Pathway
  4. Dorsal Column-Medial Lemniscus pathway
  5. Sensory Tracts – Dorsal Column (Medial lemniscus) Pathway
  6. Ascending and Descending Spinal Cord Tracts Made Easy

Muscle Spindles and GTO

  1. Muscle Spindles Animation
  2. Stretch Reflex BMED 2806
  3. Golgi Tendon Organs
  4. Muscle Activation and Inhibition: GTOs, Spindles, and Reciprocal Inhibition
  5. The Law of Reciprocal Inhibition and One80 PT
  6. What is the Myotatic or Stretch Reflex?
  7. Alpha and Gamma Motoneurons: Understanding the Differences
  8. The Tendon Reflex
  9. Muscle Spindles
  10. Muscle Spindles v. Golgi Tendon Organ
  11. Muscle Spindle & Stretch Reflex || Knee Jerk Reflex
  12. Αlpha Gamma Coactivation || Importance of Gamma Innervation to Muscle Spindle

Anterolateral System

  1. Explanation of ‘Referred Pain’ Symptoms
  2. Pain Perception and Human Brain
  3. Anterolateral System
  4. Spinothalamic tract simplified [made easy]
  5. 2-Minute Neuroscience: Touch Receptors
  6. PAIN! Physiology – The Ascending Pathway, Descending Pain Pathway and the Substantia Gelatinosa

Recording Techniques

  1. Brief History of Hyman Subject Research: Arcadia University US275 Scientific Ethics

Autonomic Nervous System

  1. Autonomic Nervous System
  2. Sympathetic versus Parasympathetic Nervous System | Nervous System
  3. Autonomic Nervous System: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #13
  4. The Autonomic Nervous System: Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Divisions

Neuromuscular Fatigue

  1. Peripheral Factors in Neuromuscular Fatigue
  2. How EXACTLY do the Muscles Get Tired? Muscle Fatigue: Central Fatigue, Peripheral Fatigue