Membership Info

Initiations at Delta Chapter are important events. Our Delta Chapter initiations provide opportunities for networking with other education professionals and getting to know our colleagues on a more personal level. Membership criteria for undergraduates include: Junior standing and admission to the Teacher Education Program with an overall grade point average, including all transfer hours, of 3.50; or Senior standing with 12 hours in education completed or in progress and an overall grade point average, including transfer hours, of 3.50. And Certification Only candidates are considered graduate students and must have the graduate grade point average.

Membership criteria for graduate students include: twelve (12) hours of graduate courses in education completed or in progress and a cumulative grade point average of 3.5. When you sign the application form, you are certifying that you have the required grade point necessary for membership in Kappa Delta Pi.

The cost of initiation for the first year is $77.00 and includes local and national dues and the Kappa Delta Pi Record. Honor cords can be purchased for $15.oo at initiation or on-line at, you may add $15.oo to your payment when applying and pick them up at initiation.

You will receive an invitation and application from us prior to initiation, start by registering through KDP. If you want to purchase cords, please reach out to to find a time.

Renewals are handled through the international headquarters membership site.