Kai Ybarbo

Kai YbarboTitle: M.S. student in exercise science.

Hometown: San Antonio, TX

Previous Degrees: Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology and Health Education (Exercise Science).

Research Interests: I am interested in the progression of peripheral neuropathy, its painful manifestations and how it relates to the exercise pressor reflex in diabetes.

Career Goals: I would like to pursue medical school after my master’s degree. Within medicine, I am currently interested in neonatal or pediatrics, but this is subject to change as I learn more!

Other interests: Hanging out with little sister (currently 4 y.o.), Playing/watching basketball, working out (yoga, MMA, walk/run near lake) and board games.

Conference Presentations:

  1. M Ybarbo, A. K Grotle, and A. J Stone. Creating a Type I Diabetic Rat with Streptozotocin. Texas American College of Sports Medicine (TACSM), 2018
  2. Crawford CK, Grotle AK, Huo Y, Ybarbo K, Stone AJ. Hyperemia is Attenuated in Type 1 Diabetic Rats Following Static Hindlimb Contraction. Texas Chapter of the American College of Sport Medicine, 2018.