Uttara Khatri, PhD candidate (

Uttara khatri is a doctoral student in the SMNP Lab. She finished her combined BS/MS from the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) in Tirupati, India, with a major in Life Sciences. Her master’s thesis focused on deciphering brain activity patterns in sleep EEG, with a specific focus on sleep stage transitions, complex networks, and nonlinear dynamics. Her current research interests involve optimizing motor rehabilitation using machine learning, transcranial magnetic stimulation, and peripheral nerve stimulation. Outside the lab, she enjoys painting, being outdoors, visiting museums, and is curious to learn almost anything.
Tharan Suresh, PhD candidate (

Tharan Suresh is a doctoral student in the Movement and Cognitive Rehabilitation Science (MCRS) program in the Department of Kinesiology and Health Education. He received his bachelor’s degree in Clinical Neurophysiology from Christian Medical College (Vellore, India) and a master’s degree in Cognitive Science from the Indian Institute of Technology (Ghandhinagar, India). Tharan is fascinated by the human brain, and is specifically interested in motor learning and memory. He hails from Coonoor, a small town in Southern India and enjoys bouldering, rock climbing, soccer, and ultimate frisbee.
Rahmawati, PhD student (

Rahmawati is a PhD student in the Department of Kinesiology and Health Education. She completed her associate’s degree at STT Migas Balikpapan in Indonesia with Magna Cum Laude in 2014. In 2017, she graduated from the Electrical Engineering department of ITN Malang in Indonesia with honors distinction. She then went to South Korea for her master’s degree and worked as a research assistant in the Neural Engineering and Control Lab at the Kumoh National Institute of Technology. She has experience working with EEG and transcranial electrical stimulation. During her PhD, she will focus on enhancing human memory using transcranial magnetic stimulation. Rahmawati is co-advised by Drs. Sara Hussain and Michael Freedberg. She is Indonesian and her hobbies include playing basketball, badminton, and cooking.
Yinglu Hong, PhD student

Yinglu Hong is a doctoral student in the Movement and Cognitive Rehabilitation Science (MCRS) program within the Department of Kinesiology and Health Education. She has extensive training in exercise training and physical therapy, holding a bachelor’s degree in Exercise Rehabilitation and a master’s degree in Sports Rehabilitation Medicine and Physiatrics from Beijing Sport University in China. Yinglu’s research interest focuses on uncovering the neural mechanisms behind motor control to help individuals with neurological disorders recover motor function and improve their quality of life through neuromodulatory approaches. Outside the lab, she enjoys outdoor activities, especially hiking, and is enthusiastic about trying new sports.
Muskan Manesiya, undergraduate student

Muskan Manesiya is an undergraduate student at The University of Texas at Austin majoring in Exercise Science. Her interest in movement and health started in high school when she joined the varsity dance team. As a member of the team, she was able to learn more about the importance of physical fitness and how limitations in movement can affect the human body. Currently pursuing a pre-PT career path, she finds fascination in learning about how technology and TMS can help improve motor function, especially in post-stroke impairments. In her free time, Muskan enjoys dancing, drawing/painting, and spending time with her friends and family.
Valeria Marquéz Cárdenas, undergraduate student

Valeria Marquéz Cárdenas is a 3rd year undergraduate neuroscience student at UT who is also pursuing a their teaching certification in the natural sciences department. They are interested in stroke lesion tracing using MRI scans and passionate about equity within science, specifically for EEG data collection. On their spare time, Valeria likes to read and watch movies!
Tanushree Mazumdar, undergraduate student

Tanushree Mazumdar is an undergraduate student at The University of Texas in Austin majoring in Biology. She gained more interest in learning how the body moves and recovers after joining Texas Crew. As she embarks on her journey to medicine, she is inquisitive about how MRI and other forms of technology can be used to aid motor learning in post-stroke patients. When she’s not in the lab or in class, you may find her rowing, playing guitar, or volunteering.