- Ultrasound machine for measurement of cardiovascular function and structure
- Arterial applanation tonometers for carotid blood pressure measurement
- Laser Doppler flowmeter for skin blood flow measurement
- Automated blood pressure measurement system
- Beat-by-beat blood pressure measurement system
- Nerve traffic analyzer for microneurography
- Parks Doppler flowmeters for measurement of pulse wave velocity and ankle-brachial index
- Dell workstation computer
- Hokanson venous-occlusion plethysmography
- Colin VP-2000 for measurement of arterial stiffness and ankle-brachial pressure index
- Gould physiological recorder with Ponemah physiology analyses platform
- Metabolic cart for measurement of oxygen consumption
- Quinton treadmill
- Lode cycle ergometer
- Welch Allyn Schiller ECG unit
- Vitros chemistry analyzer