
Full texts available upon request

Quiñones-Camacho, L. E., Gilbert, K., Hennefield, L., et al., (2025). Caregiver child affective dynamics during preschool predict preadolescent suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Personality and Individual Differences. pdf

Bouchacourt, L., Smith, S.,…Quiñones-Camacho, L. E., et al., (2024). Strategies to Implement a Community-Based, Longitudinal Cohort Study: The Whole Communities-Whole Health Case Study. JMIR Formative Research. pdf

Hong, Y., Klinginsmith, M., Quiñones-Camacho, L. E. (2024). Children’s executive functions predict their preferences for emotion regulation strategies. Cognition and Emotion. pdf

Quiñones-Camacho, L. E., Whalen, D., Luby, J., Gilbert, K. (2023).  A Dynamic Systems Analysis of Dyadic Flexibility and Shared Affect in Preschoolers with and Without Major Depressive Disorder. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. pdf.

Hoyniak, C., Donohue, R., Quiñones-Camacho, L. E., Vogel-Hammen, A., Perino, M.T., Hennefield, L., Barch, D.M., & Luby, J. (In Press). Developmental Pathways from Preschool Temper Tantrums to Later Psychopathology. Development and Psychopathology. pdf

Donohue, R., Yin, J., Quiñones-Camacho, L. E., Gilbert, K., Whalen, D., Barch, D., & Luby, J. (In Press). Children’s maternal representations moderate the efficacy of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy—Emotion Development (PCIT-ED) treatment for preschool depression. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. pdf

Quiñones-Camacho, L. E., & Davis, E. (In Press). Caregiver socialization of reappraisal and children’s cognitive flexibility jointly predict Latinx children’s anxiety. Journal of Child and Family Studies. pdf

Hennefield, L., Gilbert, K., Whalen, D., Giorio, C. Quiñones-Camacho, L. E., Kelly, D., Fleuchaus, E.,Luby, J., Barch, D., & Hajcak, G. (2021). The Reward Positivity Shows Increased Amplitude and Decreased Latency with increasing Age Across Early Childhood. Developmental Science. pdf

Quiñones-Camacho, L. E., Hoyniak, C., Wakschlag, L. S., & Perlman, S. B. (2021). Getting in synch: Unpacking the role of parent-child synchrony in the development of internalizing and externalizing behaviors. Development and Psychopathology. pdf

Quiñones-Camacho, L. E., Fishburn, F. A., Belardi, K., Williams, D., Huppert, T.J., & Perlman, S. B. (2021). Dysfunction in Interpersonal Neural Synchronization as a Mechanism for Social Impairment in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism Research. pdf

Hoyniak, C., Quiñones-Camacho, L. E., +Camacho, M. C., *Chin, J. H., *Williams, E., M.,
Wakschlag, L. S., & Perlman, S. B. (2021). Adversity is linked with decreased parent-child neural synchrony in the context of experimentally-induced stress. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. pdf

Quiñones-Camacho, L. E., & Davis, E. (2020). Children’s awareness of the context-appropriate nature of emotion regulation strategies across emotions. Cognition and Emotion. pdf

Quiñones-Camacho, L. E., Fishburn, F. A., Camacho, M. C., Hlutkowsky, C. O., Huppert, T.J., Wakschlag, L. S., & Perlman, S. B. (2020). Parent-child neural synchrony: A novel approach to elucidating dyadic correlates of preschool irritability. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. pdf
*Won JCPP Best Paper Award for 2020*

Camacho, M. C., Quiñones-Camacho, L. E., & Perlman, S. B. (2020). Does the child brain rest?: An examination and interpretation of resting baseline in developmental neuroscience. Neuroimage, 212, 116688. pdf

Quiñones-Camacho, L. E., Fishburn, F., Camacho, M. C., Wakschlag, L. S., & Perlman, S. B. (2019). Cognitive Flexibility-Related Prefrontal Activation in Preschoolers: A Biological Approach to Temperamental Effortful Control. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 38. pdf

Lundwall, C., Fairbron, S., Quiñones-Camacho, L. E., Estep, J., & Davis, E. (2019). Self-Regulation Mechanisms Explain How Dispositional Mindfulness Promotes Well-Being. Journal of Positive Psychology and Wellbeing, 3(2), 153-164. [This journal is now titled Journal of Positive School Psychology]pdf

Quiñones-Camacho, L. E., & Davis, E. L. (2019). Emotion regulation strategy repertoires moderate the
link between cumulative stress and anxiety symptoms in childhood. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 43(4), 369-374. pdf

Shih, E., Quiñones-Camacho, L. E., Karan, A., & Davis, E. (2019). Physiological contagion in parent-child
dyads during an emotional challenge. Social Development, 28(3), 620-636. pdf

Quiñones-Camacho, L. E., & Davis, E. (2018). Parasympathetic regulation in cognitive and emotional challenges predicts different aspects of children’s emotional functioning. Developmental Psychobiology, 61(2), 275-289. pdf

Quiñones-Camacho, L. E., Shih, E. W., Savage, S. V., Lamar-Prieto, C., & Davis, E. (2018). Regulating emotions in two languages: How do emotion regulation strategies relate to physiological reactivity in emotional contexts?. International Journal of Bilingualism, 23(5), 1106-1120. pdf

Quiñones-Camacho, L. E., Wu, R., & Davis, E. (2018). Motivated attention to fear-related stimuli: Evidence for the enhanced processing of fear in the Late Positive Potential. Motivation and Emotion, 42(2), 299-308. pdf

Shih, E., Quiñones-Camacho, L. E., & Davis, E. (2018). Parent Emotion Regulation Socializes Children’s Adaptive Physiological Regulation. Developmental Psychobiology, 60(5), 615-623. pdf

Quiñones-Camacho, L. E., & Davis, E. (2017). Discrete Emotion Regulation Strategy Repertoires and Parasympathetic Physiology Characterize Psychopathology Symptoms in Childhood. Developmental Psychology, 54(4), 718-730. pdf

Davis, E., Parsafar, P., Quiñones-Camacho, L. E., & Shih, E. (2017). Psychophysiological Assessment of Emotion Regulation Strategies in Children. Journal of Visualized Experiments, (120) e55200. pdf

Davis, E., Quiñones-Camacho, L. E., & Buss, K.A. (2016). The Effects of Distraction and Reappraisal On Children’s Parasympathetic Regulation of Sadness and Fear. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 142, 344-358. pdf