The Assistive and Instructional Technology Lab is housed within the Department of Special Education. Our goal is to teach undergraduate and graduate students about the world of assistive technology and any resources that may be beneficial for their careers.
Assistive technology (AT) is any item, piece of equipment or product system that is used to increase, improve or maintain the functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities. This would include items such as hearing aids, communication devices, wheelchairs, speech-to-text software and much more.
During orientation or a visit to the lab, students will learn about devices, tools and software that help individuals to maintain their independence. There are four main sections:
- classroom and early childhood
- augmented and alternative communication
- home
- workplace and mobility
Throughout orientation, students will have an opportunity to learn and engage with more than 50 different pieces of AT.
Orientations are conducted by doctoral students who have been thoroughly trained on each device. Additional topics during orientation include financial support and resources, student and family rights and methods for selecting AT. To schedule a visit to the lab, students must be enrolled in a required course (e.g., Individual Differences).
For any questions please contact us at: atlab.utaustin@gmail.com or visit the lab in George I. Sànchez Building (SZB) 5.406.
Additional Resources
- Assistive Technology Industry Association – provides info on some commonly asked questions
- Texas Assistive Technology Laws – provides info regarding student access to AT in schools
- Texas Technology Access Program – provides info on AT demonstrations and funding sources for Texas residents