Academic Publications
Lauren Schudde and Huriya Jabbar. (In press). Discredited: Power, Privilege, and Community College Transfer. Harvard Education Press.
Ibrahim Bicak, Lauren Schudde, and Kristina Flores. (2023). Predictors and Consequences of Math Course Repetition: The Role of Horizontal and Vertical Repetition in Success Among Community College Transfer Students. Research in Higher Education, 64(2), 260-299.
Lauren Schudde and Meghan Shea. (2022). Heterogeneity in the Returns to Credits for Public Two-Year College Entrants. Research in Higher Education, 63(2), 337-367.
Huriya Jabbar, Lauren Schudde, Marisol Garza, and Saralyn McKinnon-Crowley. (2022). Bridges or barriers? How interactions between individuals and institutions condition community college transfer. The Journal of Higher Education, 93(3), 375-398.
Elif Yücel, Huriya Jabbar, and Lauren Schudde. (2022). Navigating transfer through networks: How community college students seek support from social ties throughout the transfer process. The Review of Higher Education, 45(4), 487-513.
Lauren Schudde, Huriya Jabbar, Eliza Epstein, and Elif Yucel. (2021). Students’ Sensemaking of Higher Education Policies During the Vertical Transfer Process. American Educational Research Journal, 58(5), 921-953.
Lauren Schudde, Huriya Jabbar, and Catherine Hartman. (2021). How Political and Ecological Contexts Shape Community College Transfer. Sociology of Education, 94(1), 65-83.
- Earlier version published as Greater Texas Foundation white paper (January 15, 2019)
Huriya Jabbar, Eliza Epstein, Joanna Sánchez, and Catherine Hartman. (2021). Thinking Through Transfer: How Community College Students Make Transfer Decisions. Community College Review, 49(1), 3-29.
Lauren Schudde, Dwuana Bradley, and Caitlin Absher. (2020). Navigating Vertical Transfer Online: Access to and Usefulness of Transfer Information on Community College Websites. Community College Review, 48(1), 3–30. See pre-print here.
Huriya Jabbar, Eliza Epstein, Wes Edwards, and Joanna Sánchez. (2019). Diving into the pool: An analysis of Texas community college students’ transfer institution choice sets. Teachers College Record, 121(10), 1–38.
Huriya Jabbar, Saralyn McKinnon-Crowley, and Carmen Serrata. (2019). Complex pathways to transfer: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis of the transition from community college to four-year university. AERA Open, 5(2), 1–17.
Saralyn McKinnon-Crowley, Eliza Epstein, Huriya Jabbar, and Lauren Schudde. (2019). Crossing the Shapeless River on a Government Craft: How Military-Affiliated Students Navigate Community College Transfer. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 43(10-11), 756-769. Pre-print available here
Huriya Jabbar, Carmen Serrata, Eliza Epstein, and Joanna Sánchez. (2017). “Échale ganas”: Family and community support of Latino/a community college students’ transfer to four-year universities. Journal of Latinos and Education, 18(3), 258–276. Pre-Print available here
Jabbar, H., Sánchez, J., & Epstein, E. (2017). Getting from here to there: The role of geography in community college students’ transfer decisions. The Urban Review, 49(5), 746–776.Pre-print available here