Full texts available upon request
Student Motivational Beliefs and Mindsets
Rutten, L. D., & Muenks, K. (2025). Can growth grow? Measuring undergraduate students’ growth rate orientation (GRO) beliefs: An unexplored avenue into the effects of mindsets. Social Psychology of Education, 28, 40.
Muenks, K., Lin, S., Rutten, L. D., Hecht, C. A., & Yan, V. X. (2024). Exploring students’ challenge frameworks: A person-centered approach. Learning and Individual Differences, 116, 102562.
Muenks, K., Miller, J. E., Schuetze, B. A., & Whittaker, T. A. (2023). Is cost separate from or part of subjective task value? An empirical examination of expectancy-value versus expectancy-value-cost perspectives. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 72, 102149.
Rea, S. D., Wang, L., Muenks, K., & Yan, V. X. (2022). Students can (mostly) recognize effective learning, so why don’t they do it? Journal of Intelligence, 10(4), 127.
Muenks, K., & Miele, D. B. (2017). Students’ thinking about effort and ability: The role of developmental, contextual, and individual difference factors. Review of Educational Research, 87, 707-735.
Muenks, K., Miele, D. B., & Wigfield, A. (2016). How students’ perceptions of the source of effort influence their ability evaluations of other students. Journal of Educational Psychology, 108, 438-454.
Teacher Beliefs and Mindsets
Muenks, K., Sievers, J., Kroeper, K. M., & Canning, E. A. (2024). Exploring effects of mixed mindset messages from instructors. Motivation Science.
Rutten, L. D., Zengilowski, A., Lyra, F., Woznicki, N., & Muenks, K. (2024). “Only some can succeed here”: A mixed methods study of how faculty unproductive mindsets relate to gender, racial, and first-gen representation in higher education. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 79, 102319.
Muenks, K., Kroeper, K. M., Canning, E. A., & Murphy, M. C. (2024). Instructors’ mindset beliefs and behaviors: How do students and instructors perceive them? Social Psychology of Education, 27, 2883-2899.
Yan, Y., Muenks, K., Mata, R. A., & Yang, Y. (2023). How do undergraduate students’ perceptions of professor cultural competence and growth mindset relate to motivation to engage in cross-cultural interactions? Social Psychology of Education, 27, 299-334.
Dillard, J. B., Sadek, K., & Muenks, K. (2023). Undergraduate perceptions of graduate teaching assistants: Competence, relatedness, and autonomy in practice. Higher Education Research & Development, 43(1), 32-47.
Muenks, K., & Yan, V. X. (2022). University STEM instructors with stronger failure-as-debilitating mindsets are perceived to engage in fewer mastery-oriented teaching practices by their students: An exploratory study. Social Psychology of Education, 25, 1205-1219.
Kroeper, K. M., Muenks, K., Canning, E. A., & Murphy, M. C. (2022). An exploratory study of the behaviors that communicate perceived instructor mindset beliefs in college STEM classrooms. Teaching and Teacher Education, 114, 103717.
Muenks, K., Yan, V. X., Woodward, N., & Frey, S. E. (2021). Elaborative learning practices are associated with perceived faculty growth mindset in undergraduate science classrooms. Learning and Individual Differences, 92, 102088.
Muenks, K., Canning, E. A., LaCosse, J., Green, D. J., Zirkel, S., Garcia, J. A., & Murphy, M. C. (2020). Does my professor think my ability can change? Students’ perceptions of their STEM professors’ mindset predict in-class psychological experiences. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 149, 2119-2144.
Canning, E. A., Muenks, K., Green, D. J., & Murphy, M. C. (2019). STEM faculty who believe ability is fixed have larger racial achievement gaps and inspire less student motivation in their classes. Science Advances, 5.
Peer Beliefs and Mindsets
Muenks, K. & Yan, Y. (2024). Do my peers have a fixed or growth mindset? Exploring the behaviors associated with undergraduate STEM students’ perceptions of their peers’ mindsets about intelligence. Motivation and Emotion, 48, 17-35.
Muenks, K., Yan, V. X., & Telang, N. K. (2021). Who is part of the “mindset context”? The unique roles of perceived professor and peer mindsets in undergraduate engineering students’ motivation and belonging. Frontiers in Education, 6, 633570.
Wentzel, K. R., Muenks, K., McNeish, D. M., & Russell, S. L. (2018). Emotional support, social goals, and classroom behavior: A multi-level, multi-site study. Journal of Educational Psychology, 110, 611-627.
Wentzel, K. R., Muenks, K., McNeish, D. M., & Russell, S. L. (2017). Peer and teacher supports in relation to motivation and effort: A multi-level study. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 49, 32-45.
Parent or Sibling Beliefs and Mindsets
Lin, S., & Muenks, K. (2025). How students’ perceptions of older siblings’ mindsets relate to their math motivation, behavior, and emotion: A person-centered approach. Social Psychology of Education, 28, 65.
Grose, G. E., Muenks, K., Eason, S. H., Miele, D. B., Rowe, M. L., & Ramani, G. B. (2024). The role of parents’ ability mindsets on parent-child interactions during math and reading activities. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 247, 106029.
Lin, S. & Muenks, K. (2024). Family context of mindset matters: Students’ perceptions of parent and sibling math mindsets predict their motivation, behavior, and affect. Applied Developmental Science, 28(3), 247-274.
Muenks, K., Peterson, E. G., Green, A. E., Kolvoord, R. A., & Uttal, D. H. (2020). Parents’ beliefs about high school students’ spatial abilities: Gender differences and associations with parent behavior and students’ STEM career intentions. Sex Roles, 82, 570-583.
Gladstone, J. G., Häfner, I., Turci, L., Kneissler, H., & Muenks, K. (2018). Associations between parents’ and students’ motivational beliefs in mathematics and mathematical performance: The role of gender. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 54, 221-234.
Muenks, K., Miele, D. B., Ramani, G. B., Stapleton, L. M., & Rowe, M. L. (2015). Parental beliefs about the fixedness of ability. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 41, 78-89.
Personality and Motivation
Lin, S. & Muenks, K. (2022). Perfectionism profiles among college students: A person-centered approach to motivation, behavior, and emotion. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 71, 102110.
Caporale-Berkowitz, N. A., Boyer, B. P., Muenks, K., & Brownson, C. B. (2022). Resilience, not grit, predicts retention for students following academic probation. Journal of Educational Psychology, 114(7), 1654-1669.
Ponnock, A., Muenks, K., Morell, M., Yang, J. S., Gladstone, J. R., & Wigfield, A. (2020). Grit and conscientiousness: Another jangle fallacy. Journal of Research in Personality, 89, 1-5.
Muenks, K., Yang, J. S., & Wigfield, A. (2018). Associations between grit, motivation, and achievement in high school students. Motivation Science, 4, 158-176.
Muenks, K., Wigfield, A., Yang, J. S., & O’Neal, C. (2017). How true is grit? Assessing its relations to high school and college students’ personality characteristics, self-regulation, engagement, and achievement. Journal of Educational Psychology, 109, 599-620.
Identity and Motivation
Payne, T. N., Muenks, K., & Aguayo, E. (2021). “Just because I am first gen doesn’t mean I’m not asking for help”: A thematic analysis of first-generation college students’ academic help-seeking behaviors. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education. Advance online publication.
Louick, R., & Muenks, K. (2021). Leveraging motivation theory for research and practice with students with learning disabilities. Theory Into Practice, 61, 102-112.
Wang, L., Muenks, K., & Yan, V. X. (2023). Interventions to promote retrieval practice: Strategy knowledge predicts intent, but perceived cost predicts usage. Journal of Educational Psychology, 115(8), 1070-1086.
Inequality and Discrimination
Yan, V. X., Arndt, A., Muenks, K., & Henderson, M. D. (2025). I forgot that you existed: Role of memory accessibility in the gender citation gap. American Psychologist.
Kroeper, K. M., Muenks, K., & Murphy, M. C. (2019). Marriage equality: On the books and on the ground? A social psychological investigation of discrimination against same-sex and interracial couples. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 19, 50-77.
Reviews of the Literature
Louick, R., Emery, A., Muenks, K., & O’Grady, M. (2023). Attending to motivation during vocabulary interventions for students with or at risk for learning disabilities: A review of the literature. Topics in Language Disorders, 43(2), 97-118.
Wigfield, A., Muenks, K., & Eccles, J. S. (2021). Achievement motivation: What we know and where we are going. Annual Review of Developmental Psychology, 3, 87-111.
Muenks, K., Wigfield, A., & Eccles, J. S. (2018). I can do this! The development and calibration of children’s expectations for success and competence beliefs. Developmental Review, 48, 24-39.
Book Chapters
Wigfield, A., Muenks, K., & Rosenzweig, E. Q. (2015a). Achievement motivation. In H. Miller (Ed.), Encyclopedia of theory in psychology (1-4). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
Wigfield, A., Muenks, K., & Rosenzweig, E. Q. (2015b). Children’s achievement motivation in school. In C. Davies (Ed.), The Routledge international handbook of social psychology in the classroom. New York, NY: Routledge.
Wentzel, K. R., & Muenks, K. (2015). Peer influence on students’ motivation, academic achievement, and social behavior. In K. R. Wentzel & G. B. Ramani (Eds.), Social influences on social-emotional, motivation, and cognitive outcomes in school contexts (13-30). New York, NY: Taylor Francis.

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