Transforming ECE Teaching and Leadership
Bank Street Occasional Paper Series #39: Supporting Young Children of Immigrants in PreK-3
Finding and Enacting agency: An elementary ESL Teacher’s Perceptions of Teaching and Learning in the Era of Standardized Testing.
Colegrove, K. S. S., & Zuñiga, C. (2018). Finding and enacting agency: An elementary ESL teacher’s perceptions of teaching and learning in the era of standardized testing. International Multilingual Research Journal, 12(3), 188-202.
A Vision for Transforming Early Childhood Research and Practice for Young Children of Immigrants and Their Families
“Lo Hacen Tan Complicado”: Bridging the Perspectives an Expectations of Mathematics Instruction of Latino Immigrant Parents.
Creating Positive Contexts of Reception: The Value of Immigrant Teachers in U.S. Early Childhood Education Programs
“I’m just playing iPad”: Comparing Prekindergarteners’ and Preservice Teachers’ Social Interactions While Using Tablets for Learning
The Dilemma of Cultural Responsiveness and Professionalization: Listening Closer to Immigrant Teachers Who Teach Children of Recent Immigrants
Confirming Chanclas: What Early Childhood Teacher Educators Can Learn From Immigrant Preschool Teachers
White Pre-Service Teachers and “De-privileged” Spaces
Everywhere in Life there are Numbers: Questions for Social Justice Educators in Mathematics and Everywhere Else