

Lauren Schudde and Huriya Jabbar. (2024). Discredited: Power, Privilege, and Community College Transfer. Harvard Education Press.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Lauren Schudde, Kimberly Pack-Cosme, & Kamil Q. Brown. (Forthcoming). Deliberating Over Dev-Ed Reform: An Organizational Perspective on How Institutional Actors Implement State-Mandated Corequisite Reforms. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis.

Lauren Schudde, Kamil Q. Brown, & Catherine Ramirez. (Forthcoming). Framing Dev-Ed Reform: How Institutional Actors Understand Status-Quo and Reformed Developmental Education in Math. Journal of Higher Education (online first), 1-27.

Lauren Schudde, Rebecca Callahan, and Yujin Kwon. (Forthcoming). Language and Postsecondary Trajectories: How “Ever-English Learner” Status Predicts College Student Pathways and Outcomes. Review of Higher Education (online first).

Wonsun Ryu*†, Lauren Schudde†(corresponding author), and Kimberly Pack-Cosme. (2024). Dually Noted: Examining the Implications of Dual Enrollment Course Structure for Students’ Course and College Enrollment Outcomes. American Educational Research Journal, 61(4), 803-841.

  • signifies equal first authors, listed in alphabetical order

Rebecca Callahan, Lauren Schudde, and Kimberly Pack-Cosme. (2024). Ever-English Learners’ K-16 Trajectories: Evidence from Texas. American Journal of Education, 131(1), 125-155.

Rebecca Callahan, Lauren Schudde, and Kimberly Pack-Cosme. (2023). Moving the Needle for Ever-ELs? Advanced Math Course Taking and College Enrollment. International Multilingual Research Journal (online first).

Saralyn, McKinnon-Crowley, Ashli Duncan-Buchanan, Eliza Epstein, Huriya Jabbar, and Lauren Schudde. (2023). Money Matters: How Social Class Shapes Students’ Approaches to Financing their Education. Educational Policy Analysis Archives, 31.

Ibrahim Bicak, Lauren Schudde, and Kristina Flores. (2023). Predictors and Consequences of Math Course Repetition: The Role of Horizontal and Vertical Repetition in Success Among Community College Transfer Students. Research in Higher Education64(2), 260-299.

Akiva Yonah Meiselman and Lauren Schudde. (2022). The Impact of Corequisite Math On Community College Student Outcomes: Evidence from Texas. Education Finance and Policy 17(4), 719–744.

Elif Yucel, Huriya Jabbar, and Lauren Schudde. (2022). Navigating Transfer Through Networks: How Community College Students Seek Support from Social Ties throughout the Transfer Process. Review of Higher Education, 45(4), 487-513.

Wonsun Ryu*, Lauren Schudde*, and Kim Pack. (2022). Constructing Corequisites: How Texas Community Colleges Structure Corequisite Math Coursework and the Implications for Student Success. AERA Open, 8(1), 1-13.

  • *equal first authors

Lauren Schudde, Ibrahim Bicak, and Meghan Shea. (2022). Getting to the Core of Credit Transfer: How Do General Education Credits Predict Baccalaureate Attainment for Community College Transfer Students? Educational Policy (online first), 1-30.

Lauren Schudde, Sherri Castillo, Lauren Shook, and Huriya Jabbar. (2022). The Age of Satisficing? Juggling Work, Education, and Competing Priorities During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World, 8, 1-13.

Lauren Schudde and Meghan Shea. (2021). Heterogeneity in the Returns to Credits for Public Two-Year College Entrants. Research in Higher Education (online first).

Huriya Jabbar, Lauren Schudde, Marisol Garza, and Saralyn McKinnon-Crowley. (2021). Bridges or Barriers? How Institutions Condition Community College Transfer. Journal of Higher Education (online first).

Lauren Schudde, Huriya Jabbar, Eliza Epstein, and Elif Yucel. (2021). Students’ Sensemaking of Higher Education Policies During the Vertical Transfer Process. American Educational Research Journal (online first).

Lauren Schudde, Huriya Jabbar, and Catherine Hartman. (2021). How Political and Ecological Contexts Shape Community College Transfer. Sociology of Education, 94(1), 65-83.

Lauren Schudde, Raymond S. Brown, and Wonsun Ryu. (2020). Major Movement: Examining Major Switching Patterns and Pathways at Community Colleges. Review of Higher Education, 22(2), 189-235.

Lauren Schudde, Dwuana Bradley, and Caitlin Absher. (2020). Navigating Vertical Transfer Pathways Online: Access to and Usefulness of Transfer Information on Community College Websites. Community College Review, 48(1), 3-30.

Lauren Schudde and Kaitlin Bernell. (2019). Educational Attainment and Non-Wage Labor Market Returns in the United States. AERA Open

Lauren Schudde and Raymond Brown. (2019). Understanding Variation in Estimates of Diversionary Effects of Community College Entrance: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Sociology of Education, 92(3), 247-268.

Lauren Schudde and Akiva Yonah Meiselman. (2019). The Importance of Institutional Data Reporting Quality for Understanding Dev-Ed Math Enrollment and Outcomes. Community College Journal of Research and Practice (Exchange Article).

Judith Scott-Clayton and Lauren Schudde. (2019). Performance Standards in Need-Based Aid. Journal of Human Resources (online first). (Full version available upon request from authors)

Lauren Schudde and Katherine Keisler. (2019). The Relationship Between Accelerated Dev-Ed Coursework and Early College Milestones: Examining College Momentum in a Reformed Mathematics Pathway. AERA Open, 5(1), 1-22.

Lauren Schudde. (2019). Short- and Long-Term Impacts of Engagement Experiences with Faculty and Peers at Community Colleges. The Review of Higher Education, 42(2), 385-426. (Pre-print available here)

Saralyn McKinnon-Crowley, Eliza Epstein, Huriya Jabbar, and Lauren Schudde. (2019). Crossing the Shapeless River on a Government Craft: How Military-Affiliated Students Navigate Community College Transfer. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 43(10-11), 756-769.

Lauren Schudde. (2018). Heterogeneous Effects in Education: The Promise and Challenge of Incorporating Intersectionality into Quantitative Methodological Approaches. Review of Research in Education 42 (1), 72-92. (Pre-print available here)

Lauren Schudde. (2016). The Interplay of Family Income, Campus Residency, and Student Retention (What Practitioners Should Know about Cultural Mismatch). Journal of College and University Student Housing 43(1), 10-27.

Lauren Schudde and Judith Scott-Clayton. (2016). Pell Grants as Performance-Based Scholarships? An Examination of Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirements in the Nation’s Largest Need-Based Aid Program. Research in Higher Education, 57(8), 943-967. (Pre-print available here)

Lauren Schudde and Sara Goldrick-Rab. (2015). On Second Chances and Stratification: How Sociologists Think About Community Colleges. Community College Review 43(1), 27-45. (Pre-print available here)

Lauren Schudde. (2011). The Causal Effect of Campus Residency on College Student Retention. The Review of Higher Education, 34(4), 581-610. (Pre-print available here)

Peer-Reviewed Handbook Chapters

Lauren Schudde and Eric Grodsky. (2018). The Community College Experience and Educational Equality: Theory, Research, and Policy. In B. Schneider (ed.) Handbook of the Sociology of Education in the 21st Century. Springer International Publishing.

Book Chapters

Lauren Schudde and Sara Goldrick-Rab. (2016). Extending Opportunity, Perpetuating Privilege: Institutional Stratification amid Educational Expansion. In Bastedo, M., Altbach, P., Gumport, P. & Berdahl, B. (Eds.), American Higher Education in the 21st Century: Social, Political, and Economic Challenges, 4th edition. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Sara Goldrick-Rab, Lauren Schudde, and Jacob Stampen. (2014). Making College Affordable: The Case for an Institution-Focused Approach to Federal Student Aid. In Kelly, A. & Goldrick-Rab, S. (Eds.) Reinventing Financial Aid: Charting a New Course to College Affordability. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.

Policy Reports and Briefs

Lauren Schudde and Akiva Yonah Meiselman. (2019). Early Outcomes of Texas Community College Students Enrolled in Dana Center Mathematics Pathways Prerequisite Developmental Courses. Center for the Analysis of Postsecondary Readiness research brief:

Lauren Schudde. (2019). Why Texas Should Mandate that Associate Degree Credits Can Be Readily Transferred from Two- to Four-Year Colleges. Scholar Strategy Network Key Findings Brief.

Lauren Schudde, Huriya Jabbar, Andrea Chevalier. (2018). To Improve Community College Transfer in Texas, Students Need Better Information. PRC Research and Policy Brief:

Judith Scott-Clayton and Lauren Schudde. (2017). Performance requirements in need-based aid: What roles do they serve, and how well do they work? CAPSEE policy brief:

Thomas Bailey, Davis Jenkins, John Fink, Jenna Cullinane, and Lauren Schudde. (2017). Policy Levers to Strengthen Community College Transfer Student Success in Texas. Greater Texas Foundation and Community College Research Center Policy Report: