New Article: The metabolic cost of producing joint moments is greater at the hip than at the ankle
Negin Fallah published her Master’s Thesis project in the Journal of Experimental Biology

Inside JEB Highlighted Negin’s article: Style shift makes walking harder as we get older
Congratulations, Negin Fallah MS!

Negin Fallah earned her Master’s of Science degree after presenting her thesis, “The Metabolic Cost of Producing Joint Moments is Greater at the Hip than the Ankle”. Keep an eye out for her upcoming peer-reviewed article.
Human Locomotion Lab Attends ASB!

The Human Loco Lab presented four presentations at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics in Madison, Wisconsin.
Highlights from the 2024 ACSM Annual Meeting in Boston

The Human Locomotion Lab Attended the South Central American Society of Biomechanics Conference

Dr. Beck and his colleagues at Georgia Tech discovered that habitually wearing high heels restructures user calf muscles and tendons in a way that enables them to walk using less effort – even after they change shoes.
Read The Washington Post’s feature on our research >

Congratulations to Jason Cullum for earning an Undergraduate Research Fellowship from the UT Austin Undergraduate College. This fellowship provides $1,000 to cover costs associated with Jason’s research proposal, “How Does Leg Muscle-Tendon Stiffness Drive Preferred Movement Frequencies and Metabolic Shifts Across the Lifespan?”. The lab is looking forward to Jason’s discoveries!
The Human Locomotion Laboratory Presents at the American Society of Biomechanics National Conference in Knoxville Tennessee!!

The Human Locomotion Lab attends South Central American Society of Biomechanics

Exoskeletons need to react faster than physiological responses to improve standing balance
Dr. Beck’s research was featured on the February 2023 cover of Science Robotics and found that the key to augmenting balance is to have boots that can act faster than human reaction times.