Singer, J. (2005). Understanding racism through the eyes of african american male student-athletes. Race Ethnicity and Education, 8(4), 365-386.
This study utilized critical race theory (CRT) as an epistemological framework and theoretical tool for understanding African American male student-athletes’ perceptions of racism and the potential impact racism might have on their educational experiences and overall development. This qualitative case study included a single focus group and in-depth interviews with four African American male football players in a big-time college sport program at a predominantly White institution (PWI) in the Midwestern United States. These males felt that racism manifested itself in terms of African Americans (1) being denied access to leadership and major decision-making opportunities in college and professional sport, and (2) being treated differently than their White counterparts. These findings point to the need for further studies that are inclusive of the voices of this particular group and other groups of African American student-athletes. Further, these results have implications for administrators, coaches, academic support personnel, and other educators at American universities and colleges with big-time college sport programs.
Full article can be found here: