Stinson, D. W. (2006). African American Male Adolescents, Schooling (and Mathematics): Deficiency, Rejection, And Achievement. Review of Educational Research, 76(4), 477-506. The academic achievement gap, particularly the mathematics achievement gap, between Black students and their White counterparts has been well documented with numerical facts. As mathematics education researchers attempt to develop theories… read more
Search Results for: achievement gap
The Stress of Black Male Achievement: Ten Nonnegotiables
Henfield, M. S. (2012). The Stress of Black Male Achievement: Ten Nonnegotiables. Gifted Child Today, 35(3), 215-219. Oftentimes, when the subject of Black students’ talent maximization in gifted and advanced courses and programs is broached, students are treated as a monolithic entity. In fact, there is considerable evidence to suggest that unsuccessful… read more
Early Schooling and Academic Achievement of African American Males
Davis, J. E. (2003). Early Schooling and Academic Achievement of African American Males. Urban Education, 38(5), 515-537. African American males challenge schools in many ways. Perhaps the single most important challenge that has garnered recent attention in research reports, policy documents, and public commentary has been the increasing disparity in… read more
Martin, D., Martin, M., Gibson, S. S., & Wilkins, J. (2007). INCREASING PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR AND ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AMONG ADOLESCENT AFRICAN AMERICAN MALES. Adolescence, 42(168), 689-698. African American adolescents disproportionately perform poorly compared to peers in both behavioral and academic aspects of their educational experience. In this study, African American male… read more