Lackey, D., & Lowery, K. (2020). Where Are the African American Males? Enrollment Criteria and the Placement of African American Males in Advanced Placement Courses. Urban Education. This qualitative study was a critical race analysis of Advanced Placement criteria and under-enrollment of African American males in two midwestern… read more
“Sometimes I Wish I Was a Girl, ’Cause They Do Shit Like Cry”: An Exploration Into Black Boys’ Thinking About Emotions
Harris, J., Kruger, A. C., & Scott, E. (2020). “Sometimes I Wish I Was a Girl, ’Cause They Do Shit Like Cry”: An Exploration Into Black Boys’ Thinking About Emotions. Urban Education. Social-emotional learning (SEL) is important for academic and social success, yet responsive SEL for Black youth remains underexamined.… read more
‘Push through everything’: using phenomenological inquiry to investigate how Black males’ socioecology and identities promote perseverance in the U. S. public education system
Dawn X. Henderson, Samuel Baxter, Berdine Gordon-Littréan, Jacqueline Bingham Flemmings & Christen Edwards (2020) ‘Push through everything’: using phenomenological inquiry to investigate how Black males’ socioecology and identities promote perseverance in the U. S. public education system, Race Ethnicity and Education, DOI: 10.1080/13613324.2020.1798383 Black males in the United States’ public education system must navigate… read more
‘Building Us Up’: Supporting Black Male College Students in a Black Male Initiative Program
Brooms, D. R. (2018). ‘Building Us Up’: Supporting Black Male College Students in a Black Male Initiative Program. Critical Sociology, 44(1), 141–155. Efforts to enhance the academic performances and educational experiences of Black males in college has exploded in the past 15 years, including institutional, state, system-level, and national programs, policies,… read more