Ide, M. E., Harrington, B., Wiggins, Y., Whitworth, T. R., & Gerstel, N. (2018). Emerging adult sons and their fathers: Race and the construction of masculinity. Gender & Society, 32(1), 5-33. Challenging the public dichotomy characterizing fathers as “involved” or “absentee,” we investigate racial variation in college men’s perceptions of… read more
Integrating Hip‐Hop Culture and Rap Music Into Social Justice Counseling With Black Males
Washington, A. R. (2018). Integrating Hip‐Hop culture and rap music into social justice counseling with black males. Journal of Counseling & Development, 96(1), 97-105. In this article, the author suggests that Hip‐Hop culture and rap music, in particular, can be integrated into individual counseling interactions with Black male clients to… read more
‘Building Us Up’: Supporting Black Male College Students in a Black Male Initiative Program
Brooms, D. R. (2018;2016;). ‘Building us up’: Supporting black male college students in a black male initiative program. Critical Sociology, 44(1), 141-155. Efforts to enhance the academic performances and educational experiences of Black males in college has exploded in the past 15 years, including institutional, state, system-level, and national programs,… read more
Perception or Reality: The Relationship Between Stereotypes, Discrimination, and the Academic Outcomes of African American Male College Athletes
Fuller, R. D. (2017). Perception or reality: The relationship between stereotypes, discrimination, and the academic outcomes of african american male college athletes.Journal of Sport & Social Issues, 41(5), 402-424. The current study examined the degree to which stereotypes and racial discrimination affected the academic outcomes of African American male college… read more