Carey, R. (2018). “what am I gonna be losing?” school culture and the family-based college-going dilemmas of black and latino adolescent boys. Education and Urban Society, 50(3), 246-273. As educators and service providers in urban schools encourage student college going at higher rates than ever, policy and practice on school… read more
A mixed-methods study of a social emotional curriculum for Black male success: A school-based pilot study of the Brothers of Ujima
Graves, S. L., & Aston, C. (2018). A mixed‐methods study of a social emotional curriculum for black male success: A school‐based pilot study of the brothers of ujima. Psychology in the Schools, 55(1), 76-84. 10. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of a social emotional learning… read more
Long-Term Earnings Differentials Between African American and White Men by Educational Level
Sakamoto, A., Tamborini, C. R., & Kim, C. (2018;2017;). Long-term earnings differentials between african american and white men by educational level. Population Research and Policy Review, 37(1), 91-116. This paper investigates long-term earnings differentials between African American and white men using data that match respondents in the Survey of Income… read more
White Skin, Black Friend: A Fanonian application to theorize racial fetish in teacher education
Matias, C. E. (2016;2015;). White skin, black friend: A fanonian application to theorize racial fetish in teacher education. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 48(3), 221-16. In Black Skin, white masks (1967, Grove Press), Franz Fanon uses a psychoanalytic framework to theorize the inferiority-dependency complex of Black men in response to the… read more