Bailey, E., & Fuller, R. (2018). Artifacts and the Academic Motivation of African American Male Athletes. Journal of Higher Education Athletics & Innovation, (5), 1-14. This study sought to examine to examine the academic motivations of African American male college athletes at a historically Black college and university (HBCU). Self-determination… read more
Beyond Brown: New Approaches to Addressing Inequities in Education for African American Males
Jackson, J. F. L. . ed, & Moore, J. L. I. ed. (2008). Beyond Brown: New Approaches to Addressing Inequities in Education for African American Males /. American Behavioral Scientist, 51(7), 847–1053. Retrieved from A special issue on new approaches to addressing inequities in education for African-American males. Following an… read more
Using Culturally Responsive Practices to Broaden Participation in the Educational Pipeline: Addressing the Unfinished Business of Brown in the Field of Computing Sciences.
Charleston, L. J. 1. charleston@wisc. ed., Charleston, S. A., & Jackson, J. F. L. . (2014). Using Culturally Responsive Practices to Broaden Participation in the Educational Pipeline: Addressing the Unfinished Business of Brown in the Field of Computing Sciences. Journal of Negro Education, 83(3), 400–419. The effective integration of African… read more
With the 249th Pick . . .: Michael Sam and Imagining Failure Otherwise
Brody, E. (2019). With the 249th Pick . . .: Michael Sam and Imagining Failure Otherwise. Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 43(4), 296–318. This article examines the sporting discourses that surrounded Michael Sam’s attempt to play in the National Football League (NFL). It argues that Sam would inevitably… read more