Grantham, T. C. (2011). New Directions for Gifted Black Males Suffering From Bystander Effects: A Call for Upstanders.Roeper Review, 33(4), 263-272.
An educational crisis in Black male representation in gifted programs exists, requiring a new lens through which to view problems and find solutions. Though many people observe that Black males face extraordinary barriers to successful participation in gifted programs, many stand by, watching as they are overlooked for or drop out of gifted programs. This waste of talent can be understood in terms of “bystander effects”–influences on nonintervention in the educational crisis among gifted Black males. The author explains the notion of bystander effects, discusses groups of bystanders, and sends a call for upstanders on behalf of gifted Black males who are in the midst of educational neglect. “Upstanders” are those who take a stand and engage in proactive roles to address injustices. Recommendations are provided for educators, parents, and Black men to become upstanders. (Contains 5 tables and 1 note.)
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