Harrison C. K., Fuller, R., Griffin, W., Bukstein, S., McArdle, D., & Barnhart, S. ( 2020). My Ambitionz az a Qualitative Ridah: A 2PAC Analysis of the Black Male Baller in Amerikkka. Sociology of Sport Journal. https://doi.org/10.1123/ssj.2020-0019
The purpose of this paper is to contextualize and analyze the lyrics of Tupac Shakur by using the research methodological approach of concatenation to merge hip-hop and sport so that the qualitative data from these songs might serve as a cultural map to constructs of identity, race, social class, and black masculinity in the context of sport and the black male athlete experience in America. Applying critical race theory and White’s framework of black masculinity and the politics of racial performance, a connection is made with themes of the artists’ (rapper) social commentary and the athlete (baller). The themes from Tupac Shakur’s lyrics are follows: (a) Trapped, (b) Against the World, (c) The Streetz R Death, and (d) Ambitionz. Synergy with the rapper and baller are articulated, as well as implications for scholars and practitioners that work with high school, collegiate, and professional black male athletes, along with other men of color.
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