Jett, C. C. (2010). Many Are Called, but Few Are Chosen”: The Role of Spirituality and Religion in the Educational Outcomes of “Chosen” African American Male Mathematics Majors. The Journal of Negro Education, 79(3), 324-334.
The educational outcomes of African American male students have been explored by several scholars. What has been lacking, however, is an examination of the role of spirituality and religion as it pertains to the educational experiences of African American male students, especially those who have been successful along the mathematics continuum. In this article, the author explores the influences of spirituality and religion on the educational outcomes of four academically successful African American male graduate students in mathematics and mathematics education. Additionally, the author presents a critical analysis of his own experiences as an African American scholar with spiritual underpinnings. Recommendations and implications are posited concerning a more nuanced approach to intertwining the role of spirituality and religion and academic success.
Full article can be found here: