Hebert, T. P. (2002, Fall). Gifted Black males in a predominantly White university: portraits of high achievement. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 26(1), 25
This article addresses the limited research on high-achieving African American students by examining the experiences of 5 gifted Black males in a predominantly White university setting. Through case study research methodology, this study revealed significant factors that influenced the achievement of the gifted university males. Themes uncovered in the data included influential mothers, recognition of giftedness, and support from significant teachers and mentors. These factors interacted to shape a belief in self and internal motivation within the gifted Black males. Additional themes in the data included the multiple talents of the gifted males nurtured through involvement in extracurricular activities and their positive experiences with an integrated peer group. The final theme in the data accentuated the participants’ ability to ignore racist experiences within the university environment and remain focused on their goals. Implications of the findings designed for university educators dedicated to meeting the needs of gifted African American college students are presented.
Full article can be found here: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/016235320202600103