Lowe, G. A. (1966). Education, occupation of fathers and parental contributions to educational expenses as factors in career aspiration among male jamaican students. The Journal of Negro Education, 35(3), 230-236.
Questionnaires & interviews were used to obtain data from a sample of 142 students, 100 M’s & 42 F’s, or 69.3`; of the F Jamaican student pop of 205 enrolled at Howard U for the first semester of the School yr 1961-62. The 98 M students studied here divided into 3 categories as far as career aspirations are concerned: healing professions, engineering, & social or natural sciences. The fathers’ educational attainment & occupation, & parental contributions to the sons’ educational expenses proved to be significant factors. The fathers of the sons aspiring to careers in the healing professions were more educated than the other fathers, & they were more likely to be professionals or proprietors. They contributed more money during the sons’ first 2 yrs at Coll. MI. Duke.
Full article can be found here: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2293942?pq-origsite=summon