Shabazz, D. L. (2016). Barbershops as cultural forums for african american males. Journal of Black Studies, 47(4), 295. This ethnographic study explores the social interactions of African American males in an urban, Southeastern barbershop. Barbershops have become frequent research sites for communicating health messages. This study suggests that African American… read more
Urban Education (UE)
Assessment of the Feasibility of Barber-Led Sexual Education for African-American Adolescent Males
Johnson, R. N., Speck, P. M., Bowdre, T. L., & Porter, K. (2015). Assessment of the feasibility of barber-led sexual education for african-american adolescent males. Journal of National Black Nurses’ Association : JNBNA, 26(2), 67. This study explored the feasibility of a sexual health promotion barbershop program in the African-American… read more
After-School Programs: A Resource for Young Black Males and Other Urban Youth
Woodland, M. H. (2016). After-school programs: A resource for young black males and other urban youth. Urban Education, 51(7), 770-796. While after-school programs are plentiful, they are often developed arbitrarily with little attention given to theoretical underpinnings that may inform program interventions. In this article, after-school programs are situated in… read more
Faculty as UR mentors for students of color: taking into account the costs
Schwartz, Joni (2012). Faculty as UR mentors for students of color: taking into account the costs. Science Education. 96:527-542. This article is based on the findings of a 2-year study that examined the nature of effective faculty/student undergraduate research (UR) science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) relationships. The study site… read more