Harper, S. R., & Davis, Charles H. F., III. (2012). They care about education: A counternarrative on black male students’ responses to inequitable schooling. Educational Foundations, 26(1-2), 103. Perspectives on Black male hopelessness and underachievement are evidenced by the numerous publications that highlight their educational upbringing in insufficiently resourced and… read more
Urban Education (UE)
Success in These Schools? Visual Counternarratives of Young Men of Color and Urban High Schools They Attend
Harper, S. R. (2015). Success in these schools? visual counternarratives of young men of color and urban high schools they attend. Urban Education, 50(2), 139-169. The overwhelming majority of published scholarship on urban high schools in the United States focuses on problems of inadequacy, instability, underperformance, and violence. Similarly, across… read more
Superstar or Scholar? African American Male Youths’ Perceptions of Opportunity in a Time of Change
Conchas, G. Q., Lin, A. R., Oseguera, L., & Drake, S. J. (2015). Superstar or scholar? african american male youths’ perceptions of opportunity in a time of change. Urban Education, 50(6), 660. Through a Multiple Marginality Framework, this exploratory case study highlights how African American male youth in an urban… read more
Race, culture and agency: Examining the ideologies and practices of US teachers of black male students
Allen, Q. (2015). Race, culture and agency: Examining the ideologies and practices of US teachers of black male students. TEACHING AND TEACHER EDUCATION, 47, 71-81. This study examines teachers of Black male students in a United States secondary school setting. Qualitative methods were used to document teachers’ ideologies of and… read more