Eddy, C. M., & Easton-Brooks, D. (2011). Ethnic matching, school placement, and mathematics achievement of african american students from kindergarten through fifth grade. Urban Education, 46(6), 1280-1299. Educators, administrators, and policymakers focus much attention on closing the achievement gap, and various approaches have been suggested. The present study focuses on… read more
Urban Education (UE)
Students “at Risk”: Stereotypes and the Schooling of Black Boys
James, C. E. (2012;2011;). Students “at risk”: Stereotypes and the schooling of black boys. Urban Education, 47(2), 464-494. This article examines how stereotypes operate in the social construction of African Canadian males as “at risk” students. Cultural analysis and critical race theory are used to explain how the stereotypes of… read more
Supporting African American Students’ Learning of Mathematics: A Problem of Practice
Jackson, K., & Wilson, J. (2012). Supporting african american students’ learning of mathematics: A problem of practice. Urban Education, 47(2), 354-398. This article reports on a review of the mathematics education research literature 1989-May 2011 specific to K-12 African American students’ opportunities to learn mathematics. Although we identify important developments… read more
“Stakes Is High”: Culturally Relevant Practitioner Inquiry With African American Students Struggling to Pass Secondary Reading Exit Exams
Houchen, D. (2013). “Stakes is high”: Culturally relevant practitioner inquiry with african american students struggling to pass secondary reading exit exams. Urban Education, 48(1), 92-115. This article explores practitioner inquiry and culturally relevant pedagogy to create academic success with students facing high school exit examinations in Reading. In Florida, about… read more