Jerlando F. L. Jackson. (2010). Reconciling two warring ideals: The cultural bifurcation of an african american male scholar. Journal of African American Males in Education,1(3), 164-166. The author focuses on the cultural bifurcation of W. E. B. DuBois representing the struggle for African Americans in the U.S. He notes that… read more
Black Lives Matter: The Schott 50 State Report on Public Education and Black Males
In his name: Rigor and relevance in research on African American males in education
Harper, S. R. (2010). In his name: Rigor and relevance in research on African American males in education. Journal of African American Males in Education,1(1), 1-6. The article focuses on the significance of the “Journal of African American Males in Education” (JAAME) in research on African American boys and men in… read more
The tedious but rewarding professional journey of a negro, colored, black and african american male librarian
Gaymon, N. E. (1999). The tedious but rewarding professional journey of a negro, colored, black and african american male librarian. Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences, 36(3), 305-318. Personal account of educational and professional experiences of the former Director of Libraries, Florida A&M University. Access to full article can be found… read more