Wilkerson, T. A., Stokowski, S., Fridley, A., Dittmore, S. W., & Bell, C. A. (2020). Black Football Student-Athletes’ Perceived Barriers to Seeking Mental Health Services. Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics, 55–81. Black male student-athletes have endured frequent stereotyping on college campuses (Hawkins, 2010). Additionally, Black student-athletes have experienced… read more
Sports/Athletics (SA)
Place, Race, and Sports: Examining the Beliefs and Aspirations of Motivated Black Male Students Who Play High School Sports
Adeyemo, A. O. (2019). Place, Race, and Sports: Examining the Beliefs and Aspirations of Motivated Black Male Students Who Play High School Sports. Urban Education. https://doi.org/10.1177/0042085919850261 This article examined academically and athletically motivated Black male students who play high school sports. In-depth interviews and observations illuminated their experiences, beliefs, and aspirations… read more
Artifacts and the Academic Motivation of African American Male Athletes
Bailey, E., & Fuller, R. (2018). Artifacts and the Academic Motivation of African American Male Athletes. Journal of Higher Education Athletics & Innovation, (5), 1-14. This study sought to examine to examine the academic motivations of African American male college athletes at a historically Black college and university (HBCU). Self-determination… read more
Beyond Brown: New Approaches to Addressing Inequities in Education for African American Males
Jackson, J. F. L. . ed, & Moore, J. L. I. ed. (2008). Beyond Brown: New Approaches to Addressing Inequities in Education for African American Males /. American Behavioral Scientist, 51(7), 847–1053. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.lib.utexas.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=eue&AN=508050010&site=ehost-liv A special issue on new approaches to addressing inequities in education for African-American males. Following an… read more