Harper, S. R., Davis, R. J., Jones, D. E., Mcgowan, B. L., Ingram, T. N., & Platt, C. S. (2011). Race and Racism in the Experiences of Black Male Resident Assistants at Predominantly White Universities. Journal of College Student Development, 52(2), 180-200. Recent research has shown a nexus between active out-of-class engagement… read more
Race and Education (RE)
Racial Identity Development and Psychological Coping Strategies of Undergraduate and Graduate African American Males
Bridges, E. (2011). Racial Identity Development and Psychological Coping Strategies of Undergraduate and Graduate African American Males. Journal of African American Males in Education, 2(2), 150 – 167. African American men face many socio-cultural, academic, and negative stressors that generate stress experiences and identity conflicts. These stressors, in turn, may lead to… read more
Inside and outside gifted education programming: Hidden challenges for African American students
Henfield, M. S., Moore, J. L., & Wood, C. (2008). Inside and outside gifted education programming: Hidden challenges for African American students.Exceptional Children, 74(4), 433-450. This qualitative study used Critical Race Theory as a theoretical framework to examine the meaning, context, and process by which 12 African American students in… read more
White, Male, And “Minority”: Racial Consciousness Among White Male Undergraduates Attending A Historically Black University
Peterson, R. D., & Hamrick, F. A. (2008). White, Male, And “Minority”: Racial Consciousness Among White Male Undergraduates Attending A Historically Black University. The Journal of Higher Education, 80(1), 34-58. The purpose of this study was to explore the White racial consciousness (WRC) among full-time, White male undergraduates attending a public, predominantly Black HBCU.… read more