James, C. E. (2012;2011;). Students “at risk”: Stereotypes and the schooling of black boys. Urban Education, 47(2), 464-494. This article examines how stereotypes operate in the social construction of African Canadian males as “at risk” students. Cultural analysis and critical race theory are used to explain how the stereotypes of… read more
Race and Education (RE)
“They Think Minority Means Lesser Than”: Black Middle-Class Sons and Fathers Resisting Microaggressions in the School
Allen, Q. (2013). “They think minority means lesser than”: Black middle-class sons and fathers resisting microaggressions in the school. Urban Education, 48(2), 171-197. The current literature on Black middle-class men is sparse, leaving little to be known about the raced, classed, and gendered experiences for many Black middle-class male students… read more
Racial Threat and Punitive School Discipline
Welch, K., & Payne, A. A. (2010). Racial threat and punitive school discipline. Social Problems, 57(1), 25-48. Tests of the racial threat hypothesis, linking the racial composition of place to various measures of social control, find that where there are greater percentages of blacks, more punitive criminal justice policies are… read more
Reconsidering the “Crisis” Of the Black Male in America
Noguera, P. A. (1997). Reconsidering the “crisis” of the black male in america. Social Justice, 24(2 (68)), 147-164. Focusing on race and gender as an explanation for the hardships faced by black males in America distorts the issues and leads to remedies that are ineffective or contribute to further marginalization.… read more