Nichols, R. L. (2016). One african male in higher education. Multicultural Learning and Teaching, 11(2), 197-214. Many predominantly White universities and colleges are seeking ways to both recruit and retain Black students (Simmons, J., Lowery-Hart, R., Wahl, S. T., & McBride, M. C. (2013). Understanding the African-American student experience in… read more
Race and Education (RE)
Black Men’s Perceptions of Sense of Belonging with Faculty Members in Community Colleges
Newman, C. B., Wood, J. L., & III, F. H. (2015). Black Men’s perceptions of sense of belonging with faculty members in community colleges. The Journal of Negro Education,84(4), 564-577. The purpose of this study was to examine factors contributing to Black male students’ sense of belonging with faculty members.… read more
African American Male College Athletes’ Narratives on Education and Racism
Singer, J. N. (2016, October 4). African American Male College Athletes’ Narratives on Education and Racism. Urban Education, 51(9), 1065-1095. This study presents narrative case study vignettes of three elite African American male football athletes at a major historically White institution of higher education with a big-time athletics department. More… read more
Relational Teaching with Black Boys: Strategies for Learning at a Single-Sex Middle School for Boys of Color
Nelson, J. D. (2016). Relational teaching with black boys: Strategies for learning at a single-sex middle school for boys of color. Teachers College Record, 118(6), 1. Positive teacher-student relationships are critical for Black boys’ learning across single-sex and coeducational environments. Limited attention to these relationships by school professionals is rooted… read more