Wood, J. L., & Newman, C. B. (2017;2015;). Predictors of Faculty–Student engagement for black men in urban community colleges: An investigation of the community college survey of men. Urban Education, 52(9), 1057-1079. This research focuses on factors predicting faculty-student engagement for Black male collegians. In this study, the authors investigated… read more
Race and Education (RE)
Black Mothers’ Perceptions of the Role of Race in Children’s Education
Williams, A. D., Banerjee, M., Lozada‐Smith, F., Lambouths, D., & Rowley, S. J. (2017). Black mothers’ perceptions of the role of race in children’s education. Journal of Marriage and Family, 79(4), 932-946. Many Black parents consider racial climate and academic quality when thinking and making decisions about their children’s schooling… read more
Introducing the Invisible Man: Black Male Professionals in Higher Education
Turner, C., & Grauerholz, L. (2017). Introducing the invisible man: Black male professionals in higher education. Humboldt Journal of Social Relations, 39, 212-227. The absence of Black male professionals in higher education pose a serious challenge to diversity and social justice in colleges and universities. Not only does this paucity… read more
Phoenix Rising: An Autoethnographic Account of a Gifted Black Male With Dyslexia
Robinson, S. A. (2017). Phoenix Rising: An Autoethnographic Account of a Gifted Black Male With Dyslexia. Journal for the Education of the Gifted. 40. The purpose of this study was to describe my academic journey as a gifted Black male with dyslexia. The central research question was the following: What were… read more