Cartledge, G. (1999). African-American males and serious emotional distrubance: Some personal perspectives. Behavioral Disorders, 25(1), 76. The writer reflects on the overrepresentation of African-American males in programs for serious emotional disturbance (SED). The African-American male is more likely than any other individual to be assigned to an SED program and thus experience… read more
Psychological Health (PSH)
Correlates of academic performance among school-age African American males in public housing
Nebbitt, V. E., Lombe, M., Lavelle-Mckay, C., & Sinha, A. (2014). Correlates of academic performance among school-age African American males in public housing.Children and Youth Services Review, 44, 65-71. This study contributes to ongoing effort to understand correlates of academic performance in school age African American male adolescents in public housing… read more
The Effects of Home—School Dissonance on African American Male High School Students
Brown-Wright, L., & Tyler, K. M. (2010). The Effects of Home—School Dissonance on African American Male High School Students. The Journal of Negro Education, 79(2), 125-136. The current study examined associations between home—school dissonance and several academic and psychological variables among 80 African American male high school students. Regression analyses revealed… read more
Overrepresentation of African American Males in Exclusionary Discipline: The Role of School-Based Mental Health Professionals in Dismantling the School to Prison Pipeline
Darensbourg, A., Perez, E., & Blake, J. J. (2010). Overrepresentation of African American Males in Exclusionary Discipline: The Role of School-Based Mental Health Professionals in Dismantling the School to Prison Pipeline. Journal of African American Males in Education, 1(2), 196-211. African American males are at increased risk for experiencing disciplinary practices that… read more