Harper, S. R. (2006). Peer Support For African American Male College Achievement: Beyond Internalized Racism And The Burden Of “Acting White”. The Journal of Men’s Studies,14(3), 337-358. Theorists posit that the social reinforcement of racially oppressive assumptions eventually works its way into the psyche of African Americans and negatively shapes the… read more
Psychological Health (PSH)
Racial Identity Development and Psychological Coping Strategies of Undergraduate and Graduate African American Males
Bridges, E. (2011). Racial Identity Development and Psychological Coping Strategies of Undergraduate and Graduate African American Males. Journal of African American Males in Education, 2(2), 150 – 167. African American men face many socio-cultural, academic, and negative stressors that generate stress experiences and identity conflicts. These stressors, in turn, may lead to… read more
School Counseling for Gifted Black Males
Henfield, M. S. (2012). School Counseling for Gifted Black Males.Gifted Child Today, 36(1), 57-61. Oftentimes, when the subject of how to maximize Black students’ talent in gifted and advanced courses and programs is broached, they are treated as a monolithic entity. Too little scholarship explores gender differences among Black males… read more
Academically Successful African American Male Urban High School Students’ Experiences of Mattering to Others at School
Tucker, C., Dixon, A., & Griddine, K. (2010). Academically Successful African American Male Urban High School Students’ Experiences of Mattering to Others at School. Professional School Counseling, 12(2), 135. Mattering to others has been shown to be a key construct of mental health and wellness. Emerging research links interpersonal mattering… read more