Bell, E. E. (2017). A narrative inquiry: A black male looking to teach. The Qualitative Report,22(4), 1137. The purpose of this qualitative research study was to understand how a Black male experienced the interview process while seeking a teaching position. The participant and I attempted to answer how race and/or… read more
Occupation/Education (OE)
We need more than just male bodies in classrooms: Recruiting and retaining culturally relevant Black male teachers in early childhood education
Bryan, N., & Milton Williams, T. (2017). We need more than just male bodies in classrooms: Recruiting and retaining culturally relevant black male teachers in early childhood education.Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 38(3), 209. Nationwide, school districts struggle to recruit and retain Black males to the teaching profession. As… read more
Introducing the Invisible Man: Black Male Professionals in Higher Education
Turner, C., & Grauerholz, L. (2017). Introducing the invisible man: Black male professionals in higher education. Humboldt Journal of Social Relations, 39, 212-227. The absence of Black male professionals in higher education pose a serious challenge to diversity and social justice in colleges and universities. Not only does this paucity… read more
A Fly in the Ointment: African American Male Preservice Teachers’ Experiences With Stereotype Threat in Teacher Education
Scott, S. V., & Rodriguez, L. F. (2015). A fly in the ointment: African american male preservice teachers’ experiences with stereotype threat in teacher education. Urban Education, 50(6), 689-717. This study draws from a larger phenomenological study on African American academic persistence and career aspirations in education. This article highlights… read more