Stinson, D. W. (2008). Negotiating Sociocultural Discourses: The Counter-Storytelling of Academically (and Mathematically) Successful African American Male Students. American Educational Research Journal, 45(4), 975-1010. This study documents the counterstories of four academically (and mathematically) successful African American male students. Using participative inquiry, the participants were asked to read, reflect on, and respond… read more
Voices of success: Descriptive portraits of two successful African American male middle school mathematics students
Berry, R. Q. (2005). Voices of success: Descriptive portraits of two successful African American male middle school mathematics students. Journal of African American Studies, 8(4), 46-62. This paper is about the stories of two African American male middle school students who have experienced success in mathematics. Working within a phenomenological methodological framework,… read more
Prisons, Pipelines, and the President: Developing Critical Math Literacy through Participatory Action Research
Terry, C. L. (2010). Prisons, Pipelines, and the President: Developing Critical Math Literacy through Participatory Action Research. Journal of African American Males in Education, 1(2), 73-104. Academic success, and the economic well-being it usually affords, is closely tied to math achievement. Key national indicators reveal decades of underperformance of African American males… read more
Many Are Called, but Few Are Chosen”: The Role of Spirituality and Religion in the Educational Outcomes of “Chosen” African American Male Mathematics Majors
Jett, C. C. (2010). Many Are Called, but Few Are Chosen”: The Role of Spirituality and Religion in the Educational Outcomes of “Chosen” African American Male Mathematics Majors. The Journal of Negro Education, 79(3), 324-334. The educational outcomes of African American male students have been explored by several scholars. What has been… read more