Rashid, H. M. (2009). From brilliant baby to child placed at risk: The perilous path of african american boys in early childhood education. The Journal of Negro Education, 78(3), 347-358. The preschool and early elementary years play a major role in transforming young African American boys from “brilliant babies” into… read more
Literacy (L)
‘Watch mi eyes’: The predicament of visual and scribal literacy choices, as explored with rural Jamaican adolescent boys
Cross, B. (2003). ‘watch mi eyes’: The predicament of visual and scribal literacy choices, as explored with rural jamaican adolescent boys. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 33(1), 65-83. Examines oral cultures in a world of literacy, assessment, and certification. Explores the oral youth culture of adolescent males… read more
Self-Determination and Goal Aspirations: African American and Latino Males’ Perceptions of Their Persistence in Community College Basic and Transfer-Level Writing Courses
Villarreal, M. d. L., & García, H. A. (2016). Self-determination and goal aspirations: African american and latino males’ perceptions of their persistence in community college basic and transfer-level writing courses. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 40(10), 838-853. This Grounded Theory study utilized Self-determination Theory to analyze the interview… read more
Engaging African American Males in Reading (Reprint)
Tatum, A. W. (2015). Engaging african american males in reading (reprint). Journal of Education, 195(2), 1. The field of education is saturated with studies documenting the poor performance and achievement deficits of African American males throughout their school years. National reading achievement data continue to indicate that as a group,… read more