J. Luke Wood & S. Mei-Yen Ireland (2014) Supporting Black Male Community College Success: Determinants of Faculty–Student Engagement, Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 38:2-3, 154-165, DOI: 10.1080/10668926.2014.851957 The purpose of this study was to examine determinants of Black male students’ engagement with faculty in the community college. Data from this study were derived from the… read more
Literacy (L)
Implicit Bias as a Contributing Factor to Disproportionality of African Americans In Special Education: The Promise of a Bias Literacy Intervention
Whatley, J. K. (2018). Implicit Bias as a Contributing Factor to Disproportionality of African Americans In Special Education: The Promise of a Bias Literacy Intervention (Doctoral dissertation, Mercer University). With the extensive research on disproportionality of African Americans in special education, the researcher explored implicit bias as a contributing factor.… read more
The Effects of Accelerated Reader on 6th Grade At-Risk African American Males’ Motivation as It Relates to Foucault’s Power/Knowledge Theory
Williams, T. (2018). The Effects of Accelerated Reader on 6th Grade At-Risk African American Males’ Motivation as It Relates to Foucault’s Power/Knowledge Theory. This interpretive qualitative study explored the effectiveness of the computerized reading management software, Accelerated Reader, on a select group of at-risk sixth grade African American male students’… read more
Digital Play as Purposeful Productive Literacies in African American Boys
Lewis Ellison, T., Solomon, M., & Rowsell, J. (2018). Digital play as purposeful productive literacies in african american boys. The Reading Teacher, 71(4), 495-500. Digital literacies abound in playing a foundational role in the rhythm and pattern of our lives, yet debates continue about how to harness them to teach… read more