Henfield, M. S. (2012). Masculinity Identity Development and Its Relevance to Supporting Talented Black Males. Gifted Child Today, 35(3), 179-186. The purpose of the article is to provide a brief introduction to Black male masculine identity development and relate it to the field of gifted education. It will begin with… read more
Gifted Education (GE)
Special Issue: Meeting the Needs of Gifted and High-Achieving Black Males in Urban Schools
Henfield, M. S. (2013). Special Issue: Meeting the Needs of Gifted and High-Achieving Black Males in Urban Schools.The Urban Review, 45(4), 395-398. On average, no other group in the US is as entrapped by the vicious cycle leading to abysmal life outcomes (achievement gap, expectation gap, opportunity gap, and so… read more
Inside and outside gifted education programming: Hidden challenges for African American students
Henfield, M. S., Moore, J. L., & Wood, C. (2008). Inside and outside gifted education programming: Hidden challenges for African American students.Exceptional Children, 74(4), 433-450. This qualitative study used Critical Race Theory as a theoretical framework to examine the meaning, context, and process by which 12 African American students in… read more
Recruitment is not enough: Retaining African American students in gifted education
Moore, J. L., Ford, D. Y., & Milner, H. R. (2005). Recruitment is not enough: Retaining African American students in gifted education. Gifted Child Quarterly,49(1), 51-67. In public school systems all around the country, educators—teachers, counselors, and administrators—have made significant progress in identifying and recruiting diverse populations in gifted and… read more