Lackey, D., & Lowery, K. (2020). Where Are the African American Males? Enrollment Criteria and the Placement of African American Males in Advanced Placement Courses. Urban Education. This qualitative study was a critical race analysis of Advanced Placement criteria and under-enrollment of African American males in two midwestern… read more
Gifted Education (GE)
Introduction Supporting Twice Exceptional African American Students: Implications for Classroom Teaching
Robinson, S. A. (2016). Introduction to the Special Issue. Journal of African American Males in Education, 7(1), 1-4. Supporting Twice Exceptional African American Students_Robinson
Triple Identity Theory: A Theoretical Framework for Understanding Gifted Black Males with Dyslexia
Robinson, S. A. (2016). Triple Identity Theory: A Theoretical Framework for Understanding Gifted Black Males with Dyslexia. Urban Education Research and Policy Annuals, 4(1), 147-158. Much of the current scholarship on Black males focuses on the achievement gap; their underidentification as twice-exceptional, underrepresentation in gifted and talented programs, and their… read more
Phoenix Rising: An Autoethnographic Account of a Gifted Black Male With Dyslexia
Robinson, S. A. (2017). Phoenix Rising: An Autoethnographic Account of a Gifted Black Male With Dyslexia. Journal for the Education of the Gifted. 40. The purpose of this study was to describe my academic journey as a gifted Black male with dyslexia. The central research question was the following: What were… read more