Gordon, T. V., Nichter, M., & Henriksen, R. C. (2013). Raising black males from a black Father’s perspective: A phenomenological study. The Family Journal, 21(2), 154-161. The role of Black fathers and the lessons they teach their sons have received little attention. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to… read more
Familial Influences (FI)
The Power of Peers: Influences on Postsecondary Education Planning and Experiences of African American Students
Holland, N. E. (2011). The power of peers: Influences on postsecondary education planning and experiences of african american students. Urban Education, 46(5), 1029-1055. This investigation demonstrates the effect that peers have on students’ academic engagement and educational aspirations. Forty-nine African American university students retrospectively discuss the manner by which their… read more
A Continuing Challenge in Times Like These
Polite, V. C., & Davis, J. E. (1994). A continuing challenge in times like these. The Journal of Negro Education, 63(4), 505-505. In an editorial, the authors introduce an exploration of how African American males negotiate schooling and how their experiences frame educational and social outcomes such as postsecondary school… read more
What’s Happening to the Boys?: Early High School Experiences and School Outcomes among African American Male Adolescents in Chicago
Roderick, M. (2003). What’s happening to the boys?: Early high school experiences and school outcomes among african american male adolescents in chicago. Urban Education, 38(5), 538-607. This article examines the transition to high school among African American males who were part of a longitudinal study in Chicago. It begins with… read more